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Strategies for Parenting Highly Sensitive Children

Today, there is a lot of discussion about highly sensitive children and how they react to the world around them. Just as important is how parents can recognize if their child is highly sensitive and the parenting strategies to use.    Highly sensitive children react to stimuli more acutely, making them more aware of their surroundings … Read more

How to Discuss Racism with Your Child

Racism is among today’s most important, highly sensitive topics and is an unfortunate reality in many societies. Children must learn about racism to recognize and combat it as they age. By discussing racism with your child, you provide them with the tools they need to become informed individuals who can challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviors.  … Read more

Holiday Season Brings Uptick in Calls to CA Parent & Youth Helpline

By: Suzanne Potter Producer at Active crisis calls have jumped 50% in the run-up to the holidays, according to officials at the California Parent and Youth Helpline. The helpline is staffed by trained professional counselors who can listen, help people with self-calming techniques, and direct the caller to appropriate help. It’s open seven days a week, from … Read more

Helpline for Parents to Get Lifeline in Governor’s New Budget

According to a June CDC study, 70% of parents have had recent mental health challenges, and 50% of those surveyed said they had suicidal thoughts in the past month. The helpline provides emergency emotional support for parents, and youths would get a three-year extension under Governor Gavin Newsom’s new budget proposal for 4.7 million dollars.  Our calls … Read more

Dr. Lisa Receives 100th Anniversary Champion for Children Award

Congratulations to Dr. Lisa, President and C.E.O of Parents Anonymous® for receiving the 100th Anniversary Dr. Lisa holding Champion for Children Award from Child Welfare League of America

Congratulations to Dr. Lisa, President and C.E.O of Parents Anonymous® for receiving the 100th Anniversary Champion for Children Award from Child Welfare League of America. As CWLA celebrates 100 years of leadership in creating and advancing standards of practice, advocacy, and information sharing to enhance the well-being of children and families, CWLA is thrilled to … Read more