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Help spread the word and share the California Parent & Youth Helpline®

Feel free to put the logo and number on your website.


The Helpline can provide vital support for Parents, Children, and Youth. You can help let people know we are here to help by sharing the phone number and website on your website.

The California Parent & Youth Helpline® is  operated by Parents Anonymous® Inc. with trained and caring staff provides culturally responsive and vital emotional support and resources to diverse parents, children, and youth nationwide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through calls, texts and chats.

The California Parent & Youth Helpline® is committed to accessibility. We’re proud to offer these services in 240 languages, including American Sign Language (ASL), to ensure that anyone who reaches out can receive the support they need.

Our mission is to support the empowerment journey of diverse parents, children, and youth nationwide, and we can’t do it alone. Given our commitment to Shared Leadership®, we need your help to spread the word of the California Parent & Youth Helpline® to make a real difference in the lives of families and communities.

Here's how you can get INVOLVED

1. Spread the Word
Share the California Parent & Youth Helpline® far and wide with the communities you serve, your network and colleagues. Let them know that help is just a phone call, text message, or live chat away 24/7.

2. Order (free) and Distribute Helpline Cards
We’ve made it easy for you to distribute information about the California Parent & Youth Helpline®. Click the button below to request Helpline cards for your organization. These cards are a valuable resource that you can share with those you serve.

3. Schedule a Webinar with Staff and Program Participants
Learn more about how the California Parent & Youth Helpline® can benefit the parents, children, and youth in the communities you serve

California Helpline card Spanish

4. Interested in Weekly Parents Anonymous® Groups
We want to partner with you to establish Evidence-Based Parents Anonymous® Groups for adults, and children and youth to build on the strengths of diverse families.

According to the Federal Title IV-E Prevention Clearinghouse, Parents Anonymous® is the ONLY culturally responsive program in the NATION that is proven to Effectively Improve Parenting, Enhance Mental Health and Reduce Substance Abuse while Ensuring Child Safety for diverse families with children and youth of all ages.

Together, we can support a just society where all Parents, Children, and Youth thrive in resilient families and communities. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to strengthening families and communities. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us   .